WPM – Accredited Agency Lists

WPM Program Accredited Agency Facsimile Lists

The ALSC Wood Packaging Material (WPM) program currently has 15 accredited independent third-party agencies accredited by the Board of Review.  The accredited third-party agencies can provide information regarding becoming licensed to produce compliant WPM under the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade, or to provide information regarding nearby licensed facilities which can supply compliant WPM.  A list of these agencies is available below.  The locations of these agencies are the company headquarters and may not be indicative of their area of service.

Heat Treated Wood Packaging Material Accredited Agency List

The current accredited agency facsimile list for the Heat Treated WPM program is available WPM accredited agency list. (the download file is approximately 1.4 mb)

Fumigated Wood/ Fumigated Wood Packaging Material Accredited Agency List

The current accredited agency facsimile list for the Fumigated Wood/ Fumigated WPM program is available here. (the download file is approximately 0.8 mb)